Rock Creek Park

Upper Beach Drive Closed to Traffic Year-Round: NPS

Beach Drive is a major connector from upper Northwest D.C. to downtown. For the past 13 months, much of upper Beach Drive has only been used by cyclists and people out for a walk or a run in nature.

Beach Drive is a major connector from upper Northwest D.C. to downtown. For the past 13 months, much of upper Beach Drive has only been used by cyclists and people out for a walk or a run in nature.

The National Park Service has decided to keep the northern section of Beach Drive NW in Rock Creek Park closed to cars year-round to allow visitors to enjoy the park's nature and recreation space, according to a release.

A portion of the road has been closed to cars since the pandemic began. It first closed so that people could have a place to get outside while maintaining social distance.

"Opening this section of Beach Drive to pedestrians and cyclists has provided our community with increased opportunities for healthy recreation, greater access to nature and outdoor enjoyment," Rock Creek Park Superintendent Julia Washburn said in the release. "We hope to continue seeing you all on Beach Drive and ask for your help as we work to protect sensitive habitat surrounding the road." 

The National Park Service has considered keeping a portion of the road closed to cars since 2021. D.C. leaders have also asked NPS to keep the portion of the road closed to traffic.

The latest decision is based on an Environment Assessment that considered public comments and internal analysis, NPS said. The District Department of Transposition (DDOT) also concluded that the road closures would minimally impact peak traffic times.

Map courtesy of the National Park Service.
Map courtesy of the National Park Service.

DDOT and NPS will work together to add new traffic signs and signals.

Five miles and three sections of Beach Drive will only be open to pedestrians and cyclists. Those sections are Broad Branch to Joyce Road; Picnic Area 10 to Wise Road; and West Beach Drive to the D.C./Maryland line.

Beach Drive between Joyce Road and picnic areas six to 10 will stay open to cars so picnic areas and parking lots remain accessible. Ross Drive is set to reopen to cars.

NPS said that the Upper Beach Drive closure has allowed recreation to “flourish" within Rock Creek Park.  

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