Skeleton Santa Loses Its Legs

Vandals strike again at Loudoun County Courthouse

A controversial holiday display in Leesburg, Va., has been vandalized for a third time.

The skeleton Santa at the Loudoun County Courthouse lost its legs, Loudoun Times reported. That follows its decapitation Dec. 10 and the first attack Dec. 5, when it was knocked off the cross from which it hangs.

The display is one of nine approved on a first-come basis.

The skeleton Santa on the cross display was put together by a Christian high school and his atheist mother.

Santa Skeleton Nailed to Cross in Leesburg

No criminal reports have been filed, according to the Loudoun County Sheriff's Office.

Holiday displays on courthouse grounds have stirred up controversy before. In 2009 Christmas displays on the courthouse lawn were banned after the constitutionality of a Nativity scene was questioned.  Last year that decision was overturned and 10 displays were allowed on the lawn based on a first come first serve basis.

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