Hundreds of people turned out Wednesday to remember a fallen U.S. Park Police officer. Sgt. Michael Boehm suffered a fatal heart attack two weeks ago while trying to save a man who jumped off the Key Bridge.
Nativity wind chimes could be heard outside Nativity Catholic Church in Burke Virginia on Wednesday morning. Inside, they gathered to honor Sergeant Michael Boehm, killed in the line of duty on December 16.
U.S. Park Police officers were joined by Virginia, Maryland, and D.C. law enforcement to pay final tribute to Sgt. Boehm. On December 16th, he responded to the report of a man jumping off the Key Bridge in Georgetown. During the investigation, Sgt. Boehm suffered a heart attack on the scene.
Sgt. Boehm leaves his wife Corina and 5-year-old son Christopher, who is challenged with cerebral palsy. Christopher's teacher, Christine Randolph, said his son was the light of his father’s life "He would always be positive about what Christopher could do," Randolph said, "he was a great dad."
A long procession of police left the church, driving into D.C. and back to Burke. Traffic diverted along the route to let them pass slowly as they made their way past the US Park police Headquarters.
"It's a police tradition to pass your workplace, a final Tribute for the family," said Sgt. David Schlosser of U.S. Park Police. "And it allows fellow officers who couldn't attend the funeral to say goodbye before the procession returned to the cemetery."