Crime and Courts

No Bail for Suspect in Shooting Death of Midshipman's Mother

Michelle Cummings, 57, was fatally struck by a stray bullet while sitting on the patio of an Annapolis hotel

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Prince George’s County Bureau Chief Tracee Wilkins reports on an arrest in the murder of Michelle Cummings.

Bail has been denied for the man accused of firing a stray bullet that killed the mother of a United States Naval Academy midshipman last month.

TV station WBAL reportsprosecutors detailed 29-year-old Angelo Harrod’s lengthy criminal history at a bail review hearing earlier this week. Harrod was chargedWednesday with numerous counts, including first- and second-degree murder, in the killing of Michelle Cummings, 57.

Cummings, who was visiting Annapolis with her husband to watch her son's induction into the Naval Academy, was fatally struck by a stray bullet while sitting on a hotel patio June 29. Harrod fired at a couple in a vehicle along a nearby street and a shot struck Cummings, police have said.

Court testimony indicated Harrod had eight convictions between 2010 and 2018, including a robbery case. In May, a judge put Harrod on home detention to await trial on handgun and drug charges, according to WBAL.

Authorities had been searching for him after he cut off his monitoring device and fled, police have said.

The Capital Gazette, citing court records, reportedSaturday that Harrod had also previously escaped home confinement four years earlier.

Harrod maintained has his innocence.

Copyright The Associated Press
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