Metropolitan Police Department (DC Police / MPD)

Newly Renovated DC Police Memorial Unveiled

NBC Washington

After more than a decade in the making, a fountain and wall honoring fallen D.C. police officers was unveiled Monday.

Renovations on the Washington, DC Metropolitan Police Memorial fountain began last summer and the update included building a wall with the names and dates of death for all fallen D.C. officers since the department began under President Abraham Lincoln in 1861, the department said.

D.C. Police Chief Robert Contee spoke at the unveiling outside police department headquarters on Indiana Avenue NW.

"Each one of these inscribed names represents a lost officer and a story. Some of their lives were lost to gun violence. Others to assault or illness. Despite the cause, they will be honored by this memorial fountain and wall for years to come," Contee said.

Planning began in 2011 to renovate the fountain, which had become delapidated since it was originally built in 1942.

Former News4 anchor Pat Collins emceed Monday's unveiling ceremony. Contee gave him a special police hat to commemorate his years with News4.

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