The new plan called “Bluepring for Maryland’s Future” would could the state $30 billion over 10 years. Gov. Larry Hogan opposes the bill because of the cost to the state.
Maryland Senate and House committee members heard testimony on the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, the education bill that would overhaul Maryland’s school system.
The bill calls for a complete transformation in Maryland’s approach to education. This would include implementing free full day pre-kindergarten for low income families, higher teacher salaries and more rigorous standards in the classroom.
Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks testified in support of the bill. The proposed legislation would could cost the county billions of dollars in the next 10 years.
“We are educating not Prince George’s kids, Baltimore City kids, Howard County’s kids. These are Maryland’s kids,” said Alsobrooks.
Governor Larry Hogan opposes the bill, citing the costs to taxpayers and the state. He tweeted on Monday in response to the hearing.