Things are not looking "up" for the D.C. summer jobs program.
Earlier this week, the Department of Employment Services (DOES) fired the David Hoffman Agency, one of the contracted firms helping DOES find jobs for the Summer Youth Employment Program participants. Apparently the Hoffman Agency was having trouble placing all of the youths, so it started sending them "to development and construction companies to see if they were complying with a city law to employ District residents." Harassing random companies about the law? That simply is not a proper city-sponsored summer job.
The David Hoffman Agency is owned by a fellow named "David Hoffman," whose (relatively new) firm has now suffered a public blow to its reputation over allegations Hoffman deems untrue, or incomplete.
While one cannot be sure of Hoffman's motives, one might conjecture that it was "brutal revenge against DOES" that led him to call the Washington Post and inform them of the Twitter activity of one David Le, a contractor for DOES who was helping to oversee the Summer Youth Employment Program.
DOES fired this David Le on Wednesday, for being a lazy racist jerk, on Twitter. Let's check out some of his Greatest Hits!
-- davidle630: "thank goodness my boss is making things easy, he told me to pretend to do work so he can mark me down for hours...
-- davidle630: "one of the schools I am in charge of is Anacostia HS. If you are from here, you know ANACOSTIA... about 100+ murders in one year..."
-- davidle630: "They decided to just pay us for 40 hours a week bc we are too lazy to sign in and out..."
-- davidle630: "In americas ghetto anacostia... If i get scared i will just yell chinese carry out! They will not shoot me."
-- davidle630: This 40 year old woman pulled up next to me and said 'Ayyy yo can i ride wit chu?'"
Remember, everyone, to be careful what you type on your telephone and send to the Internet!
Jim Newell writes for Wonkette and IvyGate.