GW Parkway

Good Samaritans pull woman from Potomac River in dramatic rescue caught on video

Video shows the woman being pulled out of the Potomac River by rope and onlookers applauding as three people help her out of the water

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NBC Universal, Inc.

Good Samaritans pulled a woman to safety after a car she was in plunged into the Potomac River on Tuesday. The dramatic rescue was caught on video. News’4s Joseph Olmo reports.

A woman is recovering after her car plunged into the Potomac River and people nearby helped rescue her from the water.

News4's Joseph Olmo captured the dramatic rescue on his phone as he was taking a bike ride Tuesday afternoon along the Mount Vernon trail in Northern Virginia.

The video shows a woman being pulled onto the grass by a rope held by two people on land as another person helps usher her out of the water. A group of bystanders claps as they see the rescue.

In the background of the video, a Jeep was shown quickly sinking into the river.

It appears that the SUV veered off George Washington Memorial Parkway and crashed into the river. As of Wednesday morning, it wasn't immediately made clear why the Jeep plunged.

The woman was taken to a hospital for evaluation. She was the only person in the Jeep, according to officials.

Police arrived on boats at the scene to work on removing the Jeep from the water.

The accident highlights safety concerns for cyclists, drivers and walkers alike along GW Parkway. There is no protection between the trail and the busy parkway.

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