‘Dump Trump' Protesters Gather in Front of Trump's Planned D.C. Hotel

People angry over Donald Trump’s comments on immigration and Latinos protested outside the site of Trump’s future hotel site in the District on Thursday. The protestors are not the only ones who want something done about Trump. As News4’s Tom Sherwood reports, some local leaders are also speaking out against the real estate mogul.

Protesters chanted “dump Trump” outside Donald Trump’s future hotel in downtown Washington D.C. Thursday, in response to the presidential candidate's controversial comments about Latino immigrants.

After Trump announced his presidential run last month, the businessman said that some Mexican immigrants are “bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

His comments unleashed widespread criticism and U.S. Rep. Franklin Garcia (D-D.C.) organized the protest for Thursday afternoon in front of the Old U.S. Post Office Building, which is being renovated to become a luxury hotel.

The protest came a day after D.C. restaurateur José Andrés announced he is backing away from plans to open a flagship restaurant in the hotel. Andrés said Trump's statements "make it impossible" for Andrés to open a Spanish restaurant in the space.

“We are not going to stand for characterizations that are not only insulting, but false,” said former D.C. Deputy Mayor B.B. Otero, who attended the protest.

The new multi-million dollar Trump hotel is set to open later this year. Unite Here Local 25, a union of 6,500 restaurant and hospitality workers in the region, are calling for a boycott of all Trump business interests.

John Boardman of Unite Here Local 25 called "for all politicians, both local and federal, in all parties, to pledge not to go into this property until Donald Trump no longer owns one dime of it.”

A small group of protesters showed up in support of Donald Trump. The two sides had little interaction.

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