Trump Buys 800-Acre Golf Club in Sterling

Donald Trump Buys 800-acre Golf Club in Sterling was originally published on Housing Complex on Feb. 16, 2009, at 12:54 pm

“The Donald” is in our midst! The Washington Post reports that Donald Trump has bought the Lowes Island Club, a country club with two championship golf courses in Loudoun County.

Earlier this month, Trump dropped by the 800-acre establishment on his way down to Palm Beach, just swinging by D.C. to pick up some ambassadors.

Then and more recently, he’s displayed traditional Trumpy swagger. On Friday night, he told the Post: “This place, when it’s finished, will be the finest club anywhere in the country…There will be nothing like it. I already own the best ones, so I know.”

He also plans to change the name of the club. Lowes Island Club will soon be known as Trump National Golf Club, Washington D.C.

Image by PingPing, Flickr Creative Commons

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