
DC Mural Called Vandalism May Be Removed

Some say the mural adds some color and light to the neighborhood, while others want it removed

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News4’s Mark Segraves takes a look at why one neighbor is telling another a mural is vandalism.

Phil Rosen has fallen in love with the mural outside his service station on Wisconsin Avenue in the Tenleytown neighborhood of Northwest D.C.

He took over the gas station about four years ago and hired a local artist a few months ago to clean up a wall covered in mildew and graffiti and paint a mural.

Nobody complained about the mural until a couple of weeks ago, when tenants of the building the wall belongs to told Rosen the building's owner wants the mural gone.

"The owner got a report from an inspection that there was vandalism done to the exterior wall, and I hardly call this vandalism, to be honest," Rosen said.

News4 tried to reach the building's management company for comment, but they have not returned any messages.

Rosen said he hopes the mural, which includes the name of his business, can stay.

"Obviously it's an advertisement for us, but it's also a reflection of us and bringing some color and life to the neighborhood. That’s the intention," he said.

Rosen admitted he never asked permission from the building's owner to put up the mural, but he insisted his intentions were in the right place.

"Gas stations and garages are kinda dirty business, but we like to have some beauty and art to look at that’s pleasant," he said.

Rosen said he tried to contact the building's owner directly in hopes of saving the mural, but has had no luck so far.

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