Could a Run for Office Be in Tom Sherwood's Future?

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Tom Sherwood is leaving his reporting role at News4, but could a run for office be in his future?

Tom Sherwood is leaving his reporting role at News4, but could a run for office be in his future?


Sherwood is leaving News4 to "refocus" on local politics. But on NBC4's "Reporter's Notebook," his longtime colleagues Mark Segraves and Pat Lawson Muse asked him if he's ever considered running a campaign instead of covering it. 

"For 20-something years, people have said, 'Sherwood, why don't you run? You know the city, you're well known, TV's given you a lot of exposure.' Well, I've actually thought about campaigns," Sherwood said. 

While he's not sure he would want to undertake the rigors of running a campaign, he said anything is possible. 

"As with all things in life, including what I'm going to have for dinner tonight, I don't rule anything out."

"Spoken like a true politician," Muse quipped back. 

After he leaves News4, Sherwood will continue to contribute to "The Politics Hour" on WAMU Radio. 

You can learn more about Sherwood’s future plans on "Reporter’s Notebook" during News4 Today on Sunday morning. 

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