Washington DC

Ceiling collapses onto firefighters battling ‘difficult' fire at Georgetown restaurant

Two firefighters suffered minor injuries while responding to the blaze, DC's fire chief said

NBC Universal, Inc.

The ceiling of an Italian restaurant collapsed onto first responders as they fought a "difficult and stubborn" fire inside the Georgetown business Thursday afternoon, fire officials say.

Two firefighters suffered minor injuries while responding to the blaze at Ristorante Piccolo, D.C. Fire Chief John Donnelly Sr. said.

“As the firefighters were working, a portion of the roof collapsed on top of them,” Donnelly said.

All firefighters who were inside managed to escape when the ceiling collapsed, and the two injuries were not related to collapse, he said.

Donnelly said a jolt of fear went through him when he heard the mayday call.

"Mayday! Mayday! We have a ceiling collapse!" the call went out.

The fire broke out at the restaurant on 31st Street NW about 12:30 p.m., the fire department said. Smoke could be seen coming out of the restaurant's roof.

D.C. Fire and EMS spokesperson Vito Maggiolo said the fire started in a storage room behind the restaurant. Firefighters evacuated the building.

The owner of the restaurant said they were having a meeting in the back of the restaurant when they smelled smoke. He sent an employee to the roof to try to put out the fire with a fire extinguisher. When that failed, they called the fire department.

Donnelly said just after 2:30 p.m. that the fire was under control. He said he would have firefighters at the scene all night to make sure the fire does not reignite.

The building has been there since 1825 and has housed the restaurant for 36 years.

“It’s a baby that has made my life,” owner Tony Kowkabi said. “That’s the second story, but right now, my concern is my staff.”

The cause of the fire is unknown at this time.

Stay with News4 for updates to this developing story.

Correction: An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that two firefighters were injured because of the ceiling collapse, but their injuries are not related to the collapse.

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