Bill to Ban Smoking in Cars With Kids May Reach Md. House Floor

A bill that would ban smoking in cars in which children are riding may finally have enough support to advance to the Maryland House of Delegates floor, Capitol News Service's Holly Nunn reported on

For four straight years, the bill has died in committee, but it has more support this year.

The bill has more sponsors this year than in the past, especially in the House Environmental Matters Committee, where it needs a favorable vote to get to the floor for debate. Thirteen members of the committee are sponsors.

Its fate in the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee is less certain.

Sen. Jennie Forehand, D-Montgomery County, is the only of eight Senate sponsors on the Judicial Proceedings Committee. She and other supporters cite studies that find the toxicity of smoking in cars well beyond safe levels for children, even with windows open.

Opponents said the bill would undermine parental authority.

The bill would create a $50 fine for smoking in a car carrying children ages 8 and younger.

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