
Virginia Gov. Sides With Homeowners Affected by I-66 Expansion

Virginia’s Gov. Ralph Northam is demanding better treatment for 10 families whose homes are being torn down to make way for the I-66 expansion project.

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam is demanding better treatment for ten families whose homes will be demolished to make way for the Interstate 66 expansion project.

Five homes are in the path of the expansion, and residents told News4 earlier in August they were getting little information or help from the Virginia Department of Transportation to find new, comparable homes.

“It kind of puts us in limbo, you know, that we don’t know what’s happening,” Dolores Desjardins said.

Desjardins, 82, has lived in her home for 47 years. She said VDOT wants her out by the end of the year.

Gov. Northam shared his reaction to the issue with News4 Wednesday during WTOP's Ask the Governor.

"I was very upset when I heard that and we are making changes so that we're taking care of these families," Northam said.

Northam said he put VDOT on notice to make things right and VDOT confirmed they have contracted with a new relocation company to assist families.

"Our home is our special place and when someone knocks on your door and says that, you know, you need to move or we're going to tear your house down that's significant. And I am very sensitive to that and want to treat these people the right way," he said.

Desjardins said she's encouraged by Northam's promise and the meeting residents recently had with VDOT.

"That's encouraging that, you know, he's on board with us and he's going to do the best he can to get the ball rolling too," she said.

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