The coronavirus pandemic has kept communities across the globe indoors to help flatten the virus' curve from spreading.
At a White House news conference on Tuesday, President Donald Trump issued travel advisories and suggested the virus may disrupt American lives through July or August with a potential for 100,000 to 200,000 lives lost in the United States alone. Social distancing measures are being adopted in everyday life.
Coronavirus Pandemic Coverage
Some parents took advantage of April Fool's Day to take a break from the new normal of homeschooling routines and played the same joke -- that school was back in session for their school-aged children. Parents from the U.S. to the United Kingdom took to Twitter to share pictures and videos of their children ready for school, and after they realized it was a joke.
One teacher got in on the stunt and issued a note through an online school platform saying school was in session. Twitter user @nashmanda took the joke further and posted: "I pranked our kids so good! Told them they had to repeat their school grade!" Here's a collection of the April Fool's school's in session joke.