
Harvard nutritionist and psychiatrist: I've studied brain foods for 20+ years—here are 5 of my favorite breakfasts

Harvard nutritionist and psychiatrist: I’ve studied brain foods for 20+ years—here are 5 of my favorite breakfasts for focus, energy
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Breakfast provides the brain with its first source of energy every morning. Fueling the brain is key for focus, clarity, and optimal functioning throughout the day. Even if you happen to follow intermittent fasting, it's important to pick something nourishing at the start of your eating window.

Today, most people in the U.S. associate breakfast with colorful cereals, overloaded bagels and breakfast sandwiches, baked goods that border on dessert, and coffee drinks that are barely distinguishable from milkshakes.

These popular items are frequently loaded with sugars and simple carbohydrates that cause an initial spike in blood sugar followed by a crash. They also contribute to the neuroinflammation (inflammation around the brain) that's associated with brain fog and poor concentration. 

Fortunately, as the Director of Nutritional, Lifestyle and Metabolic Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital, my research and clinical work has helped me learn that there are plenty of other options for your morning routine that can help enhance your mental fitness.

And as a chef, I know those healthier choices can be delicious and easy to prepare. 

I always suggest a glass of water when you wake up to combat dehydration and anxiety. After that, here are five of my favorite breakfast brain foods. They're rich in key nutrients and functional compounds that promote better energy, clarity, and mental health. 

1. Chia pudding

One of my go-to breakfasts is homemade chia seed pudding. It contains tons of fiber, which nourishes healthy bacteria in the gut and results in a less inflamed microbiome, optimized gut-brain communication, and the production of mood-supporting neurotransmitters.

It contains omega-3 fatty acids that have strong anti-inflammatory effects on the brain, which helps boost mood, ward off stress, and maintain healthy cognition and memory. 

The pudding is easy to make the night before: Combine three tablespoons of chia seeds with a cup of coconut milk (or your unsweetened milk of choice), a drop of honey, and a pinch each of cinnamon and sea salt. Top it in the morning with nuts, berries, and/or coconut flakes.

2. Scramble, omelet, or baked frittata

If eggs are part of your diet, consider starting the day with a scramble, omelet, or baked frittata. 

Eggs are loaded with healthy fats, proteins, and vitamins that are essential for a healthy brain. The yolks, for example, are rich in vitamin D and serotonin, which help you reach the optimal balance of neurotransmitters to regulate your mood.

I always encourage people to pick eggs from pasture-raised, cage-free chickens when possible for the highest quality and purest nutrients.

Your breakfast doesn't have to be fancy. In my first book, "This Is Your Brain On Food," I share a recipe for my "On-the-Go Scrambled Egg in a Mug" that you can prepare with eggs, a splash of milk, and salt and pepper. It takes just a couple of minutes in the microwave and you can toss in some spinach or kale if you'd like.  

Uma Naidoo, MD
Uma Naidoo, MD

3. Tofu scramble

Tofu is an excellent, versatile protein that's rich in tryptophan and soy isoflavones, which have a demonstrated association with reduced symptoms of depression. 

As an alternative to eggs, I love a savory tofu scramble spiced with turmeric, black pepper, and a pinch of sea salt. 

4. Green smoothie

A bright green smoothie is a quick and easy way to start the day with fiber and folate. 

We need folate for the production of neurotransmitters in the brain — folate deficiency is implicated in a number of psychiatric conditions, including depression, while optimal levels are associated with improved mood

Blend up your favorite leafy greens like spinach along with a few berries, your favorite clean protein powder (or silken tofu for a creamy twist), and a bit of fat from hemp seeds or almond butter for a nutrient-dense smoothie you can take with you as you run out the door. 

Avoid adding too much fruit or any fruit juices to keep it low sugar and avoid disrupting the microbiome or experiencing blood sugar spikes and fatigue.

5. Turmeric latte

While not necessarily a meal in itself, my golden milk turmeric latte is a nourishing beverage and an incredible way to kick off your morning. 

Combine a cup of your favorite unsweetened plant milk with turmeric and a pinch of black pepper. 

What you get is a potent anti-inflammatory that helps reduce symptoms of anxiety, boost energy, and clear brain fog for focus throughout the day.

Dr. Uma Naidoo is a Harvard-trained nutritional psychiatrist, professional chef, and nutritional biologist. She is also the author of the bestselling "This is Your Brain on Food" and most recently, "Calm Your Mind with Food." Follow her on Instagram or subscribe to her newsletter on Substack. 

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