What Your Are Doing Tonight: 4/8

Aisha Tyler at DC Improv: Check out the DC Improv as they host comedienne Aisha Tyler April 8 thru the 11. This talented funny lady has hosted E!'s The Soup and made guest appearances on Friends and Nip/Tuck.Tickets $15-$17.

DC Improv
1140 Connecticut Ave. N.W.

Wine Wednesdays: Looking to take off some mid-week stress? Head over to Dino's on Connecticut Avenue where $25 buys you three glasses of wine and a trio of antipasto. What better way to beat the mid-week blues?

3435 Connecticut Ave. N.W.

Open Mic Night: Calling all local talent! Join the crew at the Iota Club & Cafe as they open up the stage for Wednesday night open mic. What better way to unwind after work then by sharing your talents with fellow artisans. Registration begins at 7 p.m., show time is at 8 p.m. This event is free admission.

Iota Club & Cafe
2832 Wilson Blvd.

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