Cyber Monday launches the online holiday shopping season, and many Web sites offer savings. does a great job of aggregating the latest online bargains from more than 500 merchants. It even highlights the best hourly savings online, not just on Cyber Monday, but throughout the season.
The site is run by, which first coined the Cyber Monday name three years ago and now, as a division of the National Retail Federation, is the industry's leading voice. is another great online shopping comparison site. It works like a spy site for shopping bargains. It has an e-mail service that sends out the day's best deals.
For tech gear and big ticket electronic items, check out Deals on the Web. For toys, books, clothes and all your other gift ideas, look at a site called eBizMBA, which keeps track of the 20 largest Web sites for bargain hunters.
And as always, works with leading brand name companies and helps clear out overstock items at great prices.