McDonald's Cuts the Cheese

Consumers hamburgled as double cheese drops off Dollar Menu

These are trying times, perhaps demonstrated no more so than by the loss of the McDonald's double cheeseburger from the fast food chain's Dollar Menu.

The company is not only recommending that franchisees raise the price of the double patty menu item to $1.19, it's also advising that they be made with a single slice of cheese, rather than the traditional two. Technically, this would make it a Double Burger With Cheese, or a travesty in the name of gluttony.

The less-cheesy burger will save McDonald's six cents per unit, reports The Wall Street Journal. The company's been weighing changes to its Dollar Menu for several months, trying to figure how to deal with higher beef and cheese prices. Burger King has reportedly dealt with a rise in ingredient costs by shrinking its Whopper Jr. to a Whopper Jr.-junior.

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