White House Cites ‘buffet of Options' on Paying for Wall

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House says it has yet to determine how Mexico will pay for a massive wall at the Mexican border that President Donald Trump has promised to build.

Chief of staff Reince Priebus (ryns PREE’-bus) tells CBS’ “Face the Nation” that a “buffet of options” remains. He says that could include a tax on goods coming across the border, import and export taxes — even a tax on drug cartels or fines to people who come to the U.S. illegally.

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto last week canceled a meeting with Trump amid tensions over Trump’s plan to build a wall at Mexico’s expense.

Priebus says it’s early in the planning process. He says the broader point is that Trump is fulfilling a campaign promise to build the wall.

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