Ballot Box

The latest political buzz from around the web

It's been a rough two weeks for Sarah Palin who has endured the fallout from a botched interview with Katie Couric, conservatives calling for her resignation and criticism of her lack of experience and intellect. Her biggest test will be Thursday during the VP debate, and many feel McCain's future depends on it. Today's buzz:  Is Sarah going to sink or swim?

  • A piece in the NYT examines whether Palin is in fact ready to stand on her own after the Couric interview "alarmed" Republicans and provided material for a "devastating parody" on SNL. Take-away: "These rough two weeks have led some Republicans to reconsider their initial assessment that she would sharply increase Mr. McCain's appeal among women and independent voters."
  • Politico reports that Joe Biden's strategy for the debate is to go easy on Palin. Take-away: "If Sarah Palin goofs, founders, stumbles or blunders during her debate against Joe Biden Thursday night, Biden is going to let it slide."
  • A week after the San Fran Chronicle began it's "Free Sarah Palin" campaign on its politics blog, it rehashes McCain's media run-around in a news analysis. Take-away: "The real loser in this game of hide-the-candidate: voters."
  • Voters should be concerned that McCain's economic policies could mirror those of his Republican counterparts who got us into this mess, writes Bob Herbert in the NYT. Take-away: "The question voters should be asking John McCain is whether he has stopped serving his party's economic Kool-Aid."
  • The son of Ross Perot's running mate reminds us that debates don't always reveal a candidate's character. Take-away: "They are trying to define themselves in a short time-span, within a loaded political context."
  • Despite Obama's lead in polls, race still matters to voters and Obama needs to fight like Ali, not Louis, writes DeWayne Wickham in USA Today. Take-away: "The white vote is the most fragile part of the coalition he has cobbled together."
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