Who will be the first to break a million followers on Twitter?
Two of the social networking site's most popular users, Ashton Kutcher and CNN, are facing off this week to see who will crack the barrier first.
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"Last one to 1 million followers is a rotten egg!" Ashton wrote on his Twitter account on Wednesday.
Ashton stands at 916,481 followers on Wednesday afternoon, while CNN's Twitter feed is at 947,371
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On Tuesday, Ashton offered a "Guitar Hero" video game to his millionth follower, after promising to "ding dong ditch [CNN founder Ted] Turner on video" and later sweetening the pot by offering to donate 10,000 bed nets on April 25, World Malaria Day.
Additionally, the millionth follower will be turned into a Sim in the forthcoming EA video game "Sims 3" as well as other EA goodies, Ashton said in a live chat on Wednesday.
CNN's Larry King posted a video to YouTube on Tuesday responding to the challenge.
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"Are you kidding? Do you think you can take on an entire network?" Larry asked. "You're playing out of your field. CNN will bury you."
The longtime CNN host also extended an offer to Ashton to appear on his show.
"You come on my show, I'll go on your … Twitter, or whatever it is you do," he said after a dramatic pause.
Running third place is in the celeb Twitter-off is Britney Spears, who has 913,435 followers as of Wednesday.
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