A Happy Hour to Twitter About

Area Tweeters meet up at Local 16 tonight.

Look, we love social networking sites, but suddenly it seems like all our "friends" are former middle school classmates and random stay-at-home moms who live in, like, Indiana. And we're sure you recall the pain and humiliation about that time your mom rejected your friends request on MySpace.

Time to transition over to some real-life companions... it's just that we'll be using a social networking site to do it. Oh, the sweet sweet irony of it all.

The 2009 D.C. Twestival (you have no idea how many attempts it took to say this properly out loud) is tonight at Local 16 (1602 U St. N.W.) from 6-11 p.m. tonight. If you use Twitter -- and we KNOW you do, because nothing's been this addictive since Facebook got rid of Scrabulous -- you can meet up with other local users (er, we meant, Tweeters). Ten bucks will get you in for drink specials, music and raffles. Plus, your admissions fee will go toward a charity to raise funds for clean drinking water in developing nations.

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