Post: Video Shows Gubernatorial Candidate Cox Accepting Gift From Maryland Proud Boys

NBC Universal, Inc.

The Washington Post uncovered a video online showing Republican candidate for Maryland governor Dan Cox accepting a gift from the Maryland Proud Boys.

The video has been online for two months, the Post reports, saying the video was taken offline after it reached out to Cox’ campaign for comment.

In the video, a man shakes Cox’ hand and hands him something, saying, “This is a present from Maryland Proud Boys to you.”

The gift, a comb, was given to Cox the night he received the Republican nomination for governor.

“In the noise of the victory celebration, it was hard to hear what was being said,” Cox said in a statement. “I was surprised by him handing me something, and frankly, I did not even keep the comb. I had never seen him before, and I have not seen him since. I have no affiliation with anyone involved in violence on Jan. 6, period.”

“I don’t know anyone who is happy or excited to see a member of the Proud Boys,” Democratic candidate Wes Moore said. “I mean, this is a white supremacist, domestic terrorist group, and Dan Cox eagerly embraced them and accepted their gifts. And so my response is, Dan Cox continues to show us his values. This was on the night that he accepted the Republican nomination for governor, and so every Marylander, every Marylander in Maryland, needs to make clear that these are not their values and that Dan Cox is not the person they stand with, and I think every Marylander … every Republican in Maryland should be clear about that.”

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