Charles County

Charles County sacks Super Bowl Monday holiday for county employees

In a 3-2 vote, Charles County commissioners rejected bringing back the Super Bowl Monday day off it offered this year

NBC Universal, Inc. Charles County commissioners voted down keeping Super Bowl Monday as a day off for county employees. One resident told News4’s Aimee Cho, “It is a waste of taxpayer dollars.”

Charles County, Maryland, made Super Bowl Monday a paid holiday for its employees last year, giving them time off the day after Super Bowl Sunday. 

But Charles County Commissioner President Reuben Collins and two other commissioners rejected bringing back the holiday.

“My biggest concern is how does it impact basic services,” said Collins. 

Residents of Charles County raised concerns about the purpose of the day off. Many argued a hangover should be put down as sick leave. 

“To me, it’s ridiculous and a waste of taxpayer dollars,” said resident Derrick Terry. 

Charles County Commissioner Vice President Ralph Patterson argued that employees don't get the day off for other holidays such as Ramadan or Yom Kippur.

“We don’t get the day off for the NBA Finals and World Series, so I don’t understand why one sport is more important than the other,” said Patterson. 

County employees are still able to use paid time off for the Monday after the Super Bowl.

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