Who doesn't slip into a little pirate-speak from time to time, even if just imitating Johnny Depp's Jack Sparrow or Capt. McAllister from "The Simpsons"?
This day is for all of you. International Talk Like a Pirate Day has come once again, although sadly it falls on a Monday this year, which means it'll be hard to drink like a pirate if you want to make it to work on Tuesday.
HOWEVER! Piratz Tavern (8402 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring) is of course holding a "Grog, Grub and Mayhem" event tonight, featuring belly dancing and singing pirates. Yes, it's true, your life is complete now.
Talk Like a Pirate Day began in 1995, when a pair of friends started talking in pirate slang during a racquetball game, "for reasons we still don't quite understand. ...Anyway, whoever let out the first 'Arrr!' started something. One thing led to another. 'That be a fine cannonade,' one said, to be followed by 'Now watch as I fire a broadside straight into your yardarm!' and other such helpful phrases. In 2002, they manage to get columnist Dave Barry involved, and pirate history was made.
Now review how to talk like a pirate, and more importantly, pick up pirates (i.e., "Prepare to be boarded"). Don your puffy shirts, get a little Captain in you and replace every "my" with "me."
For the truly brave, ride the Metro because, as local comic/rapper Remy points out, "it must be driven by a pirate 'cause the boards say ARR."
And be sure to get it out of your system by the time you return to work on Tuesday.
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