Watch Rare Slingin' Sammy Baugh Interview

Redskins greats met in 1994

What happens when two of the greatest quarterbacks in Washington Redskins history meet for the first time?

You get some laughs, some cussing and a lot of great stories.

That's what happened when Sonny Jurgensen traveled to Texas in 1994 to meet "Slingin'" Sammy Baugh for the first time.

Baugh passed away Wednesday at the age of 94. 

Sonny and Sammy, Part 1

But his legend will live on through this interview, where he talks about everything from drunken teammates being slapped by a coach to playing offense, defense and special teams ... all in the same game.

Sit back, grab a cigar and watch three parts of the interview here.

Sonny and Sammy, Part 3
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