Papal Visit Day 2 Briefing: Pope Francis Names a New Saint

The pontiff also will visit the White House


Pope Francis kicks off five days of events while visiting the United States, beginning with a formal welcome at the White House. Here's what's on tap for Wednesday in Washington, D.C.:

White House, 9 a.m.

Pope Francis is officially welcomed to the U.S. by President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama, one day after landing in the nation's capital.

Both Obama and Pope Francis will speak on the South Lawn of the White House in front of a crowd of about 20,000 people, before returning inside to exchange gifts, pose for official photos and discuss policy.

A papal parade along the Ellipse and a portion of the National Mall will follow close to 11 a.m. Nearly 18,000 people are expected to line the route.

[NATL-DC] Presidents and Popes: Historic Meetings

St. Matthew's Cathedral, 11:30 a.m.

Francis holds midday prayer with 300 U.S. bishops at the seat of Washington, D.C.'s archbishop. The cathedral is named after Saint Matthew the Apostle, the patron saint of civil servants.

St. Matthew's has played host to Pope John Paul II, back in 1979, and it was also where dignitaries gathered to celebrate the funeral Mass for John F. Kennedy on Nov. 25, 1963.

Age Matters When It Comes to Screening for Cervical Cancer
Getting checked for cervical cancer isn't one-size-fits-all: Millions of women may soon have to decide between a routine Pap or a newer test that detects if they have a cancer-causing virus. Draft national guidelines released Tuesday for the first time say either option is reasonable for certain women — those ages 30 to 65. Paps, a mainstay for women's health for decades, can spot pre-cancerous abnormalities in time to prevent cancer. Newer HPV tests detect the virus that causes nearly all of that cancer, and while they're widely used to confirm Pap results, most U.S. medical groups haven't yet pushed them as a stand-alone alternative for screening.

Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, 4:15 p.m.

Francis celebrates Mass in Spanish to declare 18th-century missionary Junipero Serra a saint. The Franciscan friar, a controversial choice, started nine missions in California and his is the first-ever canonization in the U.S.

Organizers expect more than 20,000 people to celebrate the canonization outside the Basilica, America's largest Roman Catholic cathedral.

Pope Francis Drives Off in a Fiat 500
Jo’Van Descartes snapped video of Pope Francis driving off Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland in a black Fiat 500.

Washington, D.C., Forecast

Mostly sunny with highs of 75°- 82°, according to Storm Team 4.

Want to Watch the Arrival?

We will cover all the day's biggest events live with livestreams on our website and in our app. Click here for full coverage of the papal visit.

Pope Francis Drives Off in a Fiat 500
Jo’Van Descartes snapped video of Pope Francis driving off Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland in a black Fiat 500.

If You're in Town

Check out these tips on how to get around. Still have questions? Here's what you can and can't do during Francis' visit to D.C.

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