Food & Drink

8-Year-Old Boy Craving Burgers Drives Dad's Van to McDonald's

Witnesses said the boy appeared to obey traffic laws

A craving for a McDonald's cheeseburger apparently prompted an 8-year-old Ohio boy to take his 4-year-old sister for a ride in his dad's van, which he learned to drive on the internet.

East Palestine police officer Jacob Koehler told WJW-TV in Cleveland the father went to bed Sunday and the mother fell asleep on the couch with the kids.

Koehler said witnesses saw the boy driving and called police in the city, about 90 miles southeast of Cleveland. He said the boy drove about a mile to the restaurant, through intersections and over railroad tracks, without mishap.

Witnesses said the boy appeared to obey traffic laws.

Boy Drives Little Sister to McDonalds

Police added that witnesses saw the boy make a left turn into the McDonald's parking lot, pull up to the drive-through window and ordered a cheeseburger, which he planned to pay for with his own money, according to the Morning Journal.

Koehler said the boy told him he learned to drive by watching YouTube videos. The officer explained that the boy had already eaten before embarking on his impromptu trip. He and his sister ate their fast food while waiting to be picked up, according to the Journal.

No charges have been filed.

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