WASHINGTON -- Ticked off ticket holders who didn't get in to see the swearing-in ceremony Tuesday are getting consolation prizes.
The Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies said ticket holders who were blocked from entering the swearing-in ceremony will receive commemorative inaugural items, the Associated Press reported.
Those with blue, silver and purple tickets who didn't make it in will receive copies of the swearing-in invitation and program; photos of President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden; and a color print of the ceremony, committee spokeswoman Carole Florman said.

Sounds like a nickel tip on a $50 check. Why not throw in the inauguration home version? Swear-in your friends and family!
Not like there's anything that can be done to really make up for it. We're not holding it again, at least not for another four years. And I don't see the government picking up anyone's vacation tab.
The vibe around town from those who were shut out or witnessed people getting blocked seems to be that they understand how this could happen with such a huge crowd, but mainly, they just feel bad for people who traveled far and paid much money to be here to witness history but missed the main event.
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According to AP, people should check the committee's Web site early next week for instructions on how to claim their items, Florman said. I got a hunch a lot of 'em ain't gonna move.
Thousands of ticket holders were kept waiting in a tunnel below the National Mall on Tuesday. Others said access to the U.S. Capitol grounds was cut off.
Authorities said they are reviewing what happened.