A swarm of thieves sweep into a store, grab everything in arms reach, and then sweeps back out en masse.
Around the region and around the country, this kind of "flash mob" robbery has become more and more common. Surveillance camera footage from Montgomery County dramatically illustrate what amounts to a store owner's nightmare.
With the holiday shopping season kicking into high gear, the National Retail Federation is asking stores to re-think how they do business this year.
The NRF recently issued new guidelines, aimed at preventing stores from being victimized by flash mobs. Flash Mob crimes have been sweeping the country , and experts are concerned this trend will continue during the busy holiday shopping season.
One flash mob crime over the summer sparked debate in Maryland over teen curfew laws, and laws that specifically address crimes committed in large groups.
The NRF is asking retailers to keep an eye on social media sites, and pay extra attention when large groups begin to congregate outside of stores. The guidelines suggest that businesses place employees at key locations around the store and to go over crowd control management procedures with all employees.