Mother Accused of Beating 10-Year-Old Girl With Broomstick

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A woman is forbidden from having contact with her 10-year-old daughter after allegedly beating the girl with a broomstick, police said. News4’s Pat Collins reports.

A 10-year-old girl was taken to a hospital early Monday morning after running to police for help in the middle of the night. The girl’s mother severely beat the girl with a broomstick, police said.

The girl showed up at the Metropolitan Police Department’s Seventh District headquarters on Alabama Avenue in Southeast about 3 a.m.

She told police her mother couldn’t find the keys to their apartment in the 2800 block of Hartford Street SE, about three blocks from police headquarters. The girl’s mother became enraged and began beating the girl with the broomstick.

The girl suffered a knot on her forehead, a cut on her elbow and bruises to her arms. Authorities took her to Children’s Hospital.

Police arrested the girl’s 30-year-old mother.

According to court documents, the mother told police her daughter was very disrespectful, pulling her hair and punching her, so she “popped her with my closed fist in the face.”

The mother suffered no visible injuries, police said.

The mother was released on bond under the condition she stays away from her daughter.

Child Protective Services is taking care of the girl.

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