Montgomery County Counts Calories

Food chains now required to post nutritional information

Many people who watch what they eat don't frequent fast food chains. But if you want to feed your guilty pleasure in Montgomery County, you'll soon see the reality of what you're putting in your mouth.

With a vote of eight to one, the Montgomery County Council passed a bill requiring chain restraunts with 20 or more locations across the country to start posting calories for each menu item.

"People expect the government to protect them from crime, from traffic accidents and from pedestrian accidents. But the number one killer is heart disease," said councilmember George Leventhal who sponsored the bill.

The only person to vote against the bill was councilmember Mike Knapp. "It doesn't change people's behavior; all it does is put some information out there. It gives the appearance that we've done something," said Knapp.

Local County Counts Calories

The county's menu labeling act will affect more than 600 chain restaurants. It's scheduled to take effect July 1.

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