This article is sponsored by Michael & Son, the leading full-service plumbing, electrical, HVAC and remodeling company serving the Washington D.C. area for over 30 years. Learn more about Michael & Son at
While Bob Vila might lead you to believe that expanding your kitchen is as easy as knocking down a wall or two, the reality is that home improvements are usually too complicated for us untrained "carpenters" and our meager set of skills. (Hey, just because you successfully changed the garbage disposal last week doesn't mean you're ready to build the sauna you've been dreaming about). 
Don't believe us? Well, before you buckle into that tool belt (yes, it does look good on you) and break out that handy retractable tape measure, take these words of wisdom from the experts at Michael & Son: 
  • Permits: If your project involves altering gas, water, electricity or the home's structure a permit is required. Failure to obtain the correct permit will cost you extra time and money. 
  • Planning and Design: The majority of websites providing free and easy to use design programs are light on details, often resulting in a costly failure rather than a completed project. 
  • Skilled Trades: Though you might feel emboldened by having successfully cleaned the gutters, consider how dangerous working with electricity can be. Rather than put your family in harms way, call the experts. 
  • Materials and Appliances: Selecting a water heater that is too small can leave your family fighting over the shower, while the wrong circuitry can destroy TVs and computers or even cause fires. 
  • Finishing the Job: Planning is one thing, executing is another. Given our busy schedules, it's easy to see a home improvement project derailed by work and family obligations. 
Of course there are plenty of smaller home improvements we can tackle on our own. But when it comes to the big, important projects, there's no shame in taking the easy way out by calling Michael & Son
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