Family Sues Group Home After Alleged Sex Assault of 13-Year-Old in Movie Theater Bathroom

Someone at a group home was supposed to be watching the man accused of sexually assaulting a 13-year-old boy in a Maryland movie theater bathroom, the boy’s mother alleges in a lawsuit filed Tuesday.

“He took away this young boy’s innocence,” attorney Jimmy Bell said.

The lawsuit claims the boy was sexually assaulted in a bathroom at Xscape Theatres in Brandywine, Maryland, over the weekend by a resident of a Compass rehabilitation group home. The facility was responsible for properly supervising the man but allowed him to use the restroom without an escort, the lawsuit says.

“I asked him, ‘Did you touch my nephew?’ And he said, ‘Yes. Yes I did,’” said the boy’s aunt, who spoke on behalf of the family Tuesday. NBC4 Washington isn't naming the woman to protect the identity of the victim.

Family Sues Group Home After Alleged Sex Assault

No one at Compass was available Tuesday to speak to News4 about the allegations. The man has a prior record for assault, but was found to be incompetent, according to court documents.

The Prince George’s County State’s Attorney’s Office is reviewing the allegations and will decide whether the accused man will face charges.

The boy is doing as well as can be expected, his aunt said.

“We were just really distraught,” she said. “We’re a military family. We live at Andrews Air Force Base, and I just can’t understand how something like this could happen.”

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