Dogs in Attack Video Found and Euthanized

One shot while going after a police officer

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The two dogs caught on surveillance tape attacking local kids are now off the streets. The dogs were caught in Prince George’s County after attacking a police officer.

The dogs responsible for an attack in D.C. are dead.

One of the dogs was shot while going after a police officer in Prince George's County. Both dogs involved in the attack were euthanized due to previous injuries.

The incident happened Friday night, when the two American bulldogs attacked children on Queen Street NE. A building surveillance camera shows two children jumping on the roof of a car to escape the dogs.

The kids were not hurt, but Andre Hawthorne tried to help them, and sustained bites to his hand and arm. He may have nerve damage as a result.

"I'm glad that they found the dogs," Hawthorne said Wednesday. "...They need to get the owners now."

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Police said they believe someone drove the dogs to Cheverly, Md., more than four miles away.

The dogs were loose on State Street there when they went to attack an officer just before 1 a.m. Saturday. That was when the officer opened fire, before jumping back into the police cruiser.

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Prince George's County Animal Control took over from there.

"Initially the officer thought that they had been fighting, and the injuries were a result of them fighting each other," said Sargeant Matthew McGuire.

However, neighbors had beaten the dogs on Friday night in the District as they tried to stop the attack.

D.C. Animal Control has confirmed the dogs found in Prince George's County are the ones in the dog attack video.

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