A World War II veteran living in D.C. was flooded with questions about his life experiences when he posted to Internet forum site Reddit. Angie Goff reports.
A 90-year-old man from the District recently became a sensation on the "front page of the internet" while taking a nap.
World War II veteran Ron Lehker said his grandson urged him to post on the Ask Me Anything, or AMA, forum on Reddit.
He posted, "I Am 90 Years Old - An officer during WWII, a retired educator, and more engaged with society today than I've ever been before. AMA!"
Lehker took a nap and said when he woke up he was shocked to find a flurry of questions.
"They asked me about my un-favorite style and I said the zoot suit. What I thought about Trump? What's the meaning of life? What's the best generation? What's the best period of life? What do you think about the atomic bomb?," Lehker said.
The questions quickly grew from the hundreds to the thousands and Lehker said he spent up to three hours each day answering them with his dictation machine.
Lehker was born in 1925 and was just 17 when he joined the Marines during World War II.
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An educator for 30 years, Lehker said he loves that most people have asked him historical questions.
"I really think thoughtful young people really understand, eventually, that I need to know more about the past so I can improve for the future," Lehker said.
Lehker writes about free D.C. cultural events on his blogs DC Free Culture and Ron's Rants and Raves.
"I really feel like I've gotten youth by being with young people," Lehker said. "This is one of the best years of my life!"