Mitt Romney's protestations that he was a "severely conservative" governor don't seem to have changed Jay Leno's mind, at least, about just who is the real right-winger in the GOP primary.
That, he said on "The Tonight Show" Thursday, would be Rick Santorum.
"Rick Santorum said this week he wants to restore religious values to government — you know, like they do in Iran," Leno joked, and he began rattling off a series of jokes describing the former Pennsylvania senator's politics.
"He is so conservative, he only flies Virgin Airlines — that's how conservative. He is so conservative, he thinks you need to be 18 or older to look at the Washington Monument — that's how conservative. Let me tell you how conservative Rick Santorum is: He wants 'Glee' renamed 'The Morally Confused Dance Club' — that's how conservative."
And his coup de grace?
"He's so conservative, he won't even order a bone-in rib-eye. That's how conservative he is."
(As for the race's other big social conservative? Leno got in a dig at him, too, saying his guest Amanda Seyfried was there to promote her new movie "Gone" — "a film about any chance Newt Gingrich ever had of being president.")